This song was requested by the Golden Child whom is happy to say, happy and blissful in sharing heavenly space with earthly space. It's interesting to actually live in both realms at once. We will be happier, when all can sea into the dark and feel the unseen space of heaven (sonic vibrations, all around). Those will be the days of heavenly bliss and demons released to share existence in our dreamscape. We are walking towards, to heal all broken hearts, bringing all shame and blame down and lift up the hearts of all living beings, as true blue, heavenly blue.
The more of us, remember to bless this world, the better it is for all beings. We will be singing Sacred Song Blessings (requests) soon, Holiness David and I (slowing down and introspection, after having the world enter the birthing process of awakening). In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the music we share. Our Holiness Peace Prayer songs (all songs) and other items are to be cataloged in one place for our warriors in training on hoop 2. And hopefully more and more will be able to answer questions for you, our relatives and outside the hoops, for those who are seeking the road to harmony in the dream world we all share.
Let us hear about your stories. We need to listen to your dreams and to share our own dreams, to be parts of the whole of our dream universe we share together as the Rainbow Clan.
White Buffalo Calf Woman and Holiness David Running Eagle too!
aho, we love you and bless you, nine sacred directions are purified for we...the family tree, rainbow clan here we stand...
elders, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
ps. I sang, rattles and bells (second track). Holiness David handled the buffalo drum and hand drum (second track)
Pray With Elders around the World
Crystal (flesh) Indigo (soul) Children (dream) Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!