Show honor to the Great Name, for all to GAIN. All beings have a Great Name, but few are willing to listen to this name, as truly GREATNESS. Sow, many beings blowing in the wind will use my name, White Buffalo Calf Woman or any number of derivatives of this name meaning. Be aware, verification of the Great Name comes from only a Crystal Child. To learn about your Great Name, one must ask from a Crystal Child /one who truly wears this rainbow color only verified by another Crystal Child/. A Great Name describes your Mission upon this World /Heavenly Name/ and gifts you your Tools of Light to accomplish your mission /Earthly Name/.
White Buffalo Calf Woman is a Heavenly Mission /Heavenly Name/ and Twin Deer Mother is the Tools of Light /Earthly Name/, how to accomplish this mission /for this crystal child/. Each part of who you are, supports your Great Name; all names used, all roads leading, all lessons and treasures, all things around you cling to your story are part of your Greatness and your individual mission. Here are a few Great Names, /Holiness David, for this lavender child/ Running Eagle Shooting Star our Father Red Hand. /Grandmother, for this gray child/ Comfort in the Wind our Sunshine Glory Shines. /Cosmic Father, for this golden child/ Rushing River Grows our Roar of the Buffalo Horn. These are only three, however thousands of Great Names have been gifted to date. Many Natives have Story Telling Names, as they are Elder Souls, however it's through evolution changing that supports our knowing the GREAT NAME for all things. Please remember, that all parts of this Name, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother belongs to the People as I do/dew. Anyone using my name to promote sales or distribution will be considered "identity theft", including all channelers. 100 per cent of this name including many other spellings is part of the Great Give-A-Way.
There are never any sales and all is gifted to the people. Please report Great Name violation to, where proper scolding will be dispensed. You see/sea, all is known by a crystal child and the book of life and it lies open for us to envision, past, future and now, where you stand. There is no separation, there is only unity. We must bow to your Great Name, when you honor yourself. Show love and all will beam from your heart, as the Greatness you ARE.
your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal child, wakan iyes/h/ka, walking song or holy interpreter and akicita (delivering Law of Love) Angel Services Around the World, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
*1. The Great White Buffalo: The Great White Buffalo Calf Woman or The Great Streaming Rainbow Child Soul, this is the awakening of the children around the world, including you, our child of four directions. In other words, White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi/n Yan ) is the representative to all the four directions people, the Rainbow Clan. Yan or "Flame Emperor" at "Sheep's Head Mountains" which means, the place of the "Lambs in the Valley" and that would be us, those who bow to thy neighbor, our relatives. In Korean/Chinese (yellow people), the word Shennong, literally means, "Divine Farmer", cultivation of rice without harming animals. Yan or Shi means the clan, tribe, family, house, maiden name, honorable male and ancestor of social group. Kinsmen to the Huangdi, the yellow emperor, or the people/kinsmen of the golden age, the dawning of mankind. You will find this same South American Mayan term, Ahau or Golden Kingsmen, the brotherhood. In North America, the Lakota term, Yan means appearing, sitting, bowing, to look at, to make a village, an equally divided circle or all has it's/their place in a clan. Winyan literally means "Be a Woman", or the feminine principle of heaven, the blue road, where all souls begin, from WOMAN. Thus we are souls (female soul principle, not all are female souls) that dreams impossible dreams in spiritual flight (kinyan or to run, inyan or to run over rolling hills. these are our sound or light waves we transverse during spiritual flight), just like bees, who deliver us towards the land of golden sweet honey. We are hear to learn about the heavenly blue road, where our souls chime with our flesh bodies (sun dancing four rainbow colors), to unite as kinsmen of the golden age.). Unity brings liberty, within one's own soul when it's known and discovered. WE enter the third phase of evolution, where the soul emerges and the law of sound or winds take charge of our lives (blue road). Heavenly becomes the true blue, knowing that love rules and reigns always, just like the Great Spirit Mother in the sky (Queen Bee).
We must collide with the earthly fire and mire, and purify our relatives again, to unite our souls, to become ever bold. Hatred and enemies, will only a reason to sneeze /knows, or say, "let us pray, to discover a new way". Prayer leads us to our hearts, but also most of all it cleanses our mires, to bring in expired, the impure I bless it along it's way, to bring in inhalation again. Here I am free to emerge like a Saint/a holy being, always ready to meet each brand new day, to become the reaching for the stars, the place, my heart feels this near to where I start, I plant my feet to emerge. To feel the new emerged, the tree of life within me, reaching out to all the leaves, all my relatives of the rainbow need me. I will bow and receive blessings, all ways conceived. Sharing a heart, a story, that will lead me to my relatives in the winds, I call home to you!
The White Buffalo, is the story of THE or ONENESS, where all light streams of the rainbow colors flow across the plains. Buffalo is a male principle on the Red Road, where the law of love stands, red road. We are the principle of man. Only through fire blessings, do we cleanse our hearts, blue road. This is the sacred story of the pipe that encircles each great story with our breath of life. This song is dedicated to those who use fire throughout the day, to cleanse their souls. The White Buffalo is here, the streaming Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. This story from the stars, is brought to you from "A Light From Within", the glory of your SUN DANCE.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings, to share the dream of all those, who are trying to come home, into our dreamscape /heaven upon earth/. Only those who bow like the rainbow /like The Great White Buffalo *1. /, show honor in all things, as Greatness, including all relatives of the four directions, can truly know the treasures of measures /bowing rainbow/, gifting to all those around us each day, can receive golden paved always. Bounty comes from what our hearts pour forth. Join us Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy to make a stand, justice for Man, on the HOOPs of the Universe. We are here to hold each hand, including the wings, the walking, the talking, the running, the plants and animals and mostly for the rocks, who gift us our very lives, on the Stone Trail on the Third /Dreamer and Child/ Rock, the crystalline river, wind, cosmic dust, orbs, spirits who cling to our heavenly blue.
Learn about your rainbow colors, visit
White Buffalo Calf Woman sings: The White Buffalo Sings the Talking Story
As Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, we would like to thank all the artists who have shared their works, including software and hardware engineers who keep us smooth sailing. And Relative Artists for their vision used, we bow in your glory. We are grateful for your contributions. We honor you!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
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Pray With Elders around the World
Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings to Let You Know!
Crystal (flesh) Indigo (soul) Children (dream)
Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!
Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!
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