Welcome Relatives of the Rainbow

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Sings) your Twin Deer Mother Gifts the ARC/ARK of the Covenant for the Rainbow Clan (you are part of the circle). Ask for your Sacred Song Blessings! Ask for your Four Rainbow Colors, often called the Buffalo Robe or Your Sacred Four Directions. This would be Your Holy Temple which Houses Your Soul! ~Receive Your Great Treasures. ~email: twindeermother@whitebuffalocalfwoman.org

Blue Hoop 4 with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Point to your Heart! Welcome Rainbow Clan

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Red Man Arise Great Spirit at Hand and Green Grass Prayer

Aho Relatives of the Hoops our Four Directions,

This Sacred Song Blessings was inspired by our beloved Red Man child.  We have recently been inflicted with death, from alcohol, anger and violence. Our beloved Chippewapa (Rainbow River in the Sky), a blue child (heart of the world dancer) and her mate Running Free (Screaming Eagle), a violet child (pipe keeper) attended family services among our Red Man child relatives. Cree, Dakota, Objibwa and extended Red Relatives, come blow your horn!

We sing today for the many young warriors, who stand in shame and abandonment, to the rejoicing of the Great Spirit that flows through us today.  In a time of ever changing prophecy, we must put SHAME and BLAME away, to use BLESSINGS in DAILY PRAYER and SPIRITUAL RITUAL in it's place.  What is impure, does not belong to me.  I AM PERFECT, what is NOT PERFECT does NOT BELONG TO ME! Cleanse the spirit with the Pipe or Fire Blessings.  We use water daily, over and over throughout the day as we cleanse our hands, we use FIRE daily, over and over throughout the day, to cleanse our spiritual hands.

We recommend the download for the "Holy Week Day".  You can download it at http://birthingofhope.blogspot.com. Links to the sacred fire blessings begins, with a fire in your hand, one kind or another and if you can see (eyes open) the sun or a star, you can bless with this too. Now, while the fire is on, we say, "I bless the sacred nine directions". There are 1-9 numbers and 0 which means flow and circle of life. These nine numbers make all star stories (entire universe, White Buffalo Calf Woman is here to back it up with science), in which the RED MAN is the Story Teller.  You may not, know the story. But if you practice, to use your soul once again, the knowledge would flow through you. The sacred winds, would find you.  Love is Law, it's the Red Road.  If you don't act accordingly, the impure will take it's form in rage and violence, like a fire destroys.  If we destroy the impure rage and violence (red road) with blessings throughout the day, we over come with waters and tears of heaven (blue road), that cleanses the raging fire.

Many lost ceremonies are being held close in our hearts.  Soon, all the people, will have them in their own arms and books of the heart will spring forth.  We are learning to run with the flesh body, the spirit body.  When we are in harmony (Grandmother dreamspace), we act accordingly.  When we do not act accordingly, it's simply inharmonic and pain and suffering persist.  One must act accordingly, the red road, the physical flesh of rainbow colors and the blue road, the heavenly soul of spiritual song harmonize.  Red cross the Blue and Yellow springs true.  This is when we are flying free. Our souls find the between, when we are flowing to red and fro blue and back and forth in the snake pattern, we find the yellow road appears, the golden path is in bloom and dreams start to come true.  This is the change in evolution we are aspiring to become.  WE do not use, separation, but unity to bring our warriors home.  We do not forget about them.  Our recent loss takes us to where heaven arises, a star is born.  We cannot blame our actions and reactions, but instead aim to not continue to further the escalation of violence in the world, by teaching the whole world, how to PRAY.  To relieve their suffering and to bring harmony again to their days.

Teach upon your heart, what sails away.  But man, you must choose, to learn from your lessons. And Woman, she must fight to the death, to stand by her man, all the time, demanding the law of love. And elders and warriors, you must stand by the Woman who is screaming at her MAN.  True love means, all our children need us, including grown children of the Great Spirit.  WE are learning ourselves to become as Great, to be a Great Spirit who rises up and stands their ground.

During this recording, we figured out, that our microphone, was good a capturing high tones. And it was not able to capture the low tones.  I often do throat singing when aligning with the Red Man. They know the law of love, upon the red road, better than all others.  Their feet is clinging fast to this law.  But as they grew up to be like their FATHER white man, they learned to be like him, distant and away. Now the TWIN CHILD red man, has a hold of Father's hand and says, "I got a better way, come with me.  Let us pray, all our fears will go away.  We will show the earth and sky the right way.  We will show honor and justice, through the Great Spirit that flows in all things, including you. Come take my hand. I will show you the promised land."

As the low tones did not come out the way we had liked, there are times, when the sound almost hurts, but God hurts right now.  We will adapt various microphones to adapt and bring out the low tones on the red road in the future. The echo starts to arise and gets further and closer away, to be all around you.  We hope that this helps you to understand the rainbow glory or circular rainbow, we are the Rainbow Clan, all colors all things, the all of the universes.  We are the living dream, learning to become the yellow stream (yellow road) over rolling hills (waves either sound or light).  I stand here, I hear all around, I am a Great Spirit, who stands proud.

your devoted servant,
White Buffalo (male principle of rainbow colors) Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child, wakan iyeshka, walking song and holy interpreter
alightfromwithin.org angel services around the world
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy Access

ps.  I depart with you a pipe sharing.

Green Grass Prayer: Pipe Sharing Song (get prepared to share the pipe)
We light this crystalline rock pipe filled with green grass: indian hemp, which once filled the lands around the globe as our earth gave it away freely, man has hoarded the gift; it is time to fill our pipes with our spirit to heal the world. all benefit; share the pipe and give it away; it's time to spread the seeds once again.

We light this crystalline rock pipe filled with green grass. Here the red of my bowl is filled with fire. I light all my mire.  I journey with my breath to take in all the healing to begin.  I blow to ride the sky, upon billowing waves of puffs.  I seek onto the floors of ever growing stores of one and two is three (blue, red, yellow), the tree, how magically it could be. I dream to have more, in order for me to share. I give away all I can, to start to make again.  Gifting a creator am I.  Holding part of this pipe (wholeness).  I will be close to my soul.  I will billow around to where green grass flows. And when I rise my pipe to the winds, I know I too will billow again.  I will start by purifying my mire, to escape the hardships I walk.  I sing to bring back my soul, to dance once more as I go.  And as I seek the heavenly skies, I just walk to feel family arise.  Rainbow colors come touch my heart. Rainbow colors, teach me your art. Let me share the stories I know. Let me be great as this show.  I lift my pipe to the world. I bow down, like a good branch, like it should. I bless all things I go by, to ensure, I will be part of this pipe (pie, wholeness, circle of life in spiraling four directions in rainbow colors).  And there my soul will ride, the journey high in the sky. I will be a WARRIOR indeed. I will bee a wonderful DREAM.  And when all is said and gone. I will be remembered for what I did nice. I will be part of the heavenly train, the billows of those who learned to gain.  I walk in silence again, to hear the river of reign. The souls who need me right hear, the souls who need me right here. I will be the trouble that dies, inside a place, where heaven collides. I can give my impure away, when I remember to pray.  I bow today to light this pipe towards my face, the red bowl and green grass tell me what to say.  I remember, I start with law of love, the red road, that gives is all up (bows down with loving tears from the heart rules over firey wise).  And the green grass* that holds all the life, the oneness who is embraced the river of life. The reflective crystalline road, the place all dreams are to BEHOLD.

*Green Grass

Green, is the spiritual leader of the oneness, the fourth daughter in the house of God in the fourth position, she is squared.  This is the vehicle or breath and oneness (universe) must walk towards the center pole, the bounce back, echo of the song, the heavenly breeze. Here and Hear one must become a participant.  These days, we go off and hide to pray alone. But in order to be truly spiritual, one must bounce off the walls and walk back to the center pole.  We dance around the sacred tree, the center pole. This is Grandmother (gray child) who holds us all together in dream space.  The circle of life is represented by honoring and bowing in prayer with Grandmother holder of dreams.  She keeps us grounded a place where we enter and depart, while we can hold a dream space together, while she weaves us together around the pole (dancers in a may pole dance and the sacred solstice sun dance). When we can echo a story to someone, we literally bounced back off the walls, contained in four sacred directions in rainbow colors.  With all this pinging, we are certainly being weaved back and forth, around the bends and into the winds.  However, if we sing or repeat stories other persons speak of or validate all words spoken, then we share the story. We bounce back off the wall, do the roll over, like a running up a wall and then jumping down back where you started.  This is the law of sound, to sing your way up off your feet to take a leaping faith we keep. Here, we dream, we validate, we share, we demand the law of love, to hear your story.  I then will speak my story, by demanding the law of love, bless purify and bow, then we can begin again. Until then, we will pray for you in the winds. Aho, my relatives in the winds.  WE are going home once again.  Let your spirit fly free, bounce off the walls and breath, follow the smoke and be a bloke (arm around, companion, a laying of order, rainbow colors shine) and you will find, perfect company. 

Red Man Arise Great Spirit at Hand, July 29, 2011.  Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman and Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star. 

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Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings to Let You Know!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lost Souls Come Home the Heavenly Death March (Renewal and Rebirth)

Aho Relatives,
This song was inspired by this early am elders agenda meeting started evening before. While doing the cleansing. This is a portion of the elders agenda meeting.  The song was so ery and I wanted to capture the image of "the calling".  Lost souls came, by the thousands, coming like ghost.  It was the Which-Cha, family name, Lakota clan name, Sioux tribe name, the spirit of the lake people, that gifted the calling to bring the many lost, to come to the awaken, through destruction, they are reborn.  We do not record the elders agenda, to bring in the text for elders to access.  However, I wanted to share a portion of the feeling, that was felt. So many lost souls returning home, to be reborn, tears fell and embraced as they dropped like flies as they came near me or close to me, like a horizon.  To have a dream again, is worth all the pain and tears we can suffer, to rejoice in the freedom to try again, to live again, to become again, the dream of consciousness and duty to the Oneness of God's devotion, to each other.

This is White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother. I am an elder crystal child. This means, I am pure of heart, offering lessons and with the direct ability to aim for a heart. Those who open the door into heaven find the soul of treasures, a gift of flight eternally blooms.  Only true love's devotion can call home, lost souls. And only through pure love, can a crystal child bring them home.  Be aware, this is part of a cleansing, to purify a dream space shared by elders during a weekly meeting.  Those who refuse the fire blessings are purified to the bone, often to their own deaths. Only to find a spirit reborn again anew.  Destruction is part of cleansing, offering new life.  We do not destroy out of hate, but to cleanse the world again.  This is done to save and not harm others, but to know true love, it's grace and bow of the dream space we all share together.  There is often misunderstanding with pure love's purification, but it was so powerful to loves devotion, that I wanted to share a part of "the calling of lost souls and a might rebirth of relatives. Below excerpt from the recent elders agenda meeting.

"Blue seas. I look at you.  Blue seas, my heart is true. I will love you more it's true. I will love you more it's true.  I feel the mighty wind. I feel it's coming again. I feel the mighty winds.  Hear my songs, it's eliminating sin. Which-cha (four directions of green grass), spark of life, feel the raging river of strife.  Feel it's pain and sorrow, it's a place we gift our life.  And as we grow, we must learn to sail and billow.  We are protected. We are protected.  Come to me, come to me. come to me, come to me, shadow breeze. I can sea you come to me. Like ghosts in a fairy tale, the shadows of the souls, come to me. Come to me, they  are under my spell.  Hear my song, what went wrong, don't you see, the willowing breeze ( I see, like in the show pirates of the carribean, surrounded by sea witches, but here, they flow like graywhite shadows, like ghosts, flying towards me, because I call for them, like lost souls, looking to come home, out of control. Here lies a pure of heart, to bring the lost souls home, unlike the sea witches of the movie, who are misunderstood, White Buffalo Calf Woman is Which-Cha, the green grass of four directions in rainbow colors.  The law is true devotional love, we bow and call out for the returning souls who need our love in from the heavenly blue, the heart of heaven, the song that charms the song).  Come to me, come to me, I am singing a song. Come to me, come to me, I am singing a song. I am not wrong (intelligence), but right (heart) here I stand to sing you a song. Come to me, come to me, I will hold your hands, I reach out, for all lands, all the ghosts who need a hand. Come to me. Come to me, I will feel the mighty breeze, the lost souls, who need a way to find due north (towards the light, north star, leading all sailors/journeyor home). Come to me. Come to me, I can see, you need to be pleased with your souls, to over flow, to know of gold.  And the fears, that you share, need not go away without cares, we will purify, all the breeze, come to me.  None are harmed, all are loved, come to me, come to me. I hold my hands out, freely. Come home to me.  Each fall down (tears hard to breath), as they run, torwards my hands, the river bends, and they are down (purified to crystalline form, atoms). Molecules all they are used, time to come home, either used. Come to me. Come to me, you fly near me (I call out, as they fly by to reach past me, they enter the door into heaven and perish, silently, purification has got them instantly). Come to me.  Come to me, I will set you solidly free. Hold my hand, I will wail. all my tears, will understand, all your pain, suffering without any gain, come to me (stuck in pain, not liberated).  And I know, what you hold, is what you need, to be set free, find the light inside the strife, the tears are set free.  And glowing lights a star sow bright, I will be true over rolling hills to you. Come to me. Come to me, none can resist me. I hold you close, my love is most. I will bow down to know the true, hold my hands, understand my river of tears. And when you go, down below, just understand, you will command another hand, when you are a ghost. You will serve the lord (each other, the host), the proud and boast, to guide them all to heaven's roost (four directions we swoon). Come to me, come to me, I will set you free.  And I am tears, sorry to hear, but I am here to hold your hands.  Come to me. Come to me, my heavenly lands. (Tears and sniffling and right side a river flowing tears, heart let's it out, left tears swelling, intelligence knowing).  Come to me, I feel the breeze, still more and more, they want to come and adore, come to me, a beautiful breeze and womanly kneads. Come to me, come to me, I will hold your hands, and understand, come to me, set you free, at heaven's door. The crystal light has no sight, but can sea into the light divided rare, the golden air, rainbow colors uncompared. And divine, let it shine. Come to me. Come to me, I hold my hands to understand. Come to me.  So many more and even more the gray ghost have no air, come to me, milliions please come to me. I am here, to hold your hands. I am calling to all the lands, come to me, come to me, no more shame bondage please. Come to me, hold my hands, dropping like a river of sand, just death everywher, they are cleansed. And as they arise, no more surprise, heavenly ghosts in the breeze. Come to me. Come to me, I stand hear eternally.  Thousand more and even more come to me, hear my plead. Come to me, I hold your hands.  Don't be lost, my soul has no cost, I will purify, love that is lost. Come to me.  Come to me in the breeze. Lift your soul, those who are not gold, cleanse and weep, not set in steep, slopes decline, heaven binds, come to me. Grayish dark blue inside, yellow like light streaming raidating glory (circular), a small light trail, then red equal to the blue, all merging colors like water color paintings, where colors emerge together and form unity and color shades that stream and bleed together binding them like fingers or villi, molecular villae, pappules, or hormonal sensor on the tongue) and held in green all of it square. 

Well that was quite amazing. Let me check the blue, where are we going too. I have to say, it's blue all the way, heaven's gates. Blue purified.  Red come to me, let me sea, the river of blood that sets us free, the law of love, shine down for liberty, past all the sights, we are down on our knees. We purify always light, the raging fire a mountain desire. WE are going to begin, another grin, to hold you close to me.  Red river is it true, you are mighter and imbued. Come clean up this place, don't make me chase. I want you to know, it's part of what is told. Don't you need me to hold you close?  Heaven imbued, red road is true, even the sound is whooshoo. i can recall, we are not very bold, but if I call out, my starting cloud. I will cry for you, just like a baby too.  I will need your sou, to hold me close.  Don't you see the truth, my heart beat is noose. I hold it' deer, the river that is clear. I just have to bless the sacred hoops this day, then I will find my noose slipping away, circles and halos, come find me this day, I am the red road, yellow displayed.  And children are golden, when dreams appear. Tell me Iguana, what do you flicker in the air. Crawling on the rocks faces hidden and lost, there the Iguana, shines to those who have socked (wind socks, catching the breeze, like kites, blowing eternally). Don't you sea the billowing waves of the breeze, there we rise up and dive down to share our sound. Music is playing. Music is a song. We are holding you all this long, streaming horizons, come shine on me, when you are drowning, the river will bleed, red road, will show, it's music eternally."

We hope you enjoy it, the Sacred Song Prayer, Lost Souls Come Home the Heavenly Death March.  Here is a feeling and sense of renewal to our relatives, who came home to bee true blue, once again, to dream upon the open seas.

Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman elder crystal child, walking song and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star elder lavender child, holy man.
alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Lost Souls Come Home the Heavenly Death March 07282011.WhiteBuffaloCalfWomanDrumsLostSoulsComeHomeHolinessDavidDrumsHeavenlyDeathMarch.mp3

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Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings to Let You Know!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Child Warrior Show Us the Way and Great Sioux Nation We Are Going Home

Aho Relatives,
Well this morning, we decided to go for a walk in the park.  This took most of the day (12 of us, including Samantha/Sami Swimming Ice, the kitty cat), as we sang and shared with the world. However, before we could begin our day, it was songs that filled our hearts.  If we don't pray, then lessons pave the day. But if we pray to share the breeze, we are filled with treasures, that are uncompared (each as divine as the next, perfectly shared).

Today, we took many photographs. We hope you will enjoy images.  Included are a few.  But always, it's our hearts on the hoops, that make us aware.  We have much to do in the days ahead, but what's most important in the world, is the Great Migration, where all prophecy does unfold. Many of our relatives share their dreams and songs with us.  We hope to hear more from you in the coming days.

Waking up to our souls, is not easy, however, like a baby who is downed (softness) with comfort, our souls do expose. We are learning to share our deepest thoughts and intimacies. We are no longer able to hide the inside of our hearts any longer.  All we have left are treasures divine, when we share our dreams with relatives everywhere. Now the hide/skin is our sacred four directions in rainbow colors. Our tools of light which help us to become our GREATNESS and our powers, the Great Spirits gift to us all, the mission to accomplish God's love to all our relatives.

It is said, that it's impossible for a honey bee to fly.  And with this impossible flight, comes dreams and beliefs that offer us faith in all tomorrows.  We bow in respect for all our smallest creatures, who humble us, with their divine-ness. This bee was one shot of many of the very small workers in the fields of flowers collecting for the hive. I am always reminded of the sweetness of this flower as the horses do love it sow. Here in the city we rarely get the chance to share with the wild life. We are pleased to share with you. We pray and bless you, towards dreaming impossible dreams!

This morning, Thunder Horn, a Dakota child asked to sing for the Great Sioux Nation (Snake People or Spirit of the Lake People).  Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star (Dakota) and I, White Buffalo Calf Woman (Lakota), often feel like our music is boring.  However a foundation is always built on stability (that would be us). We added the flute to liven things up a bit. Then the children asked for a song for the children.  And the warriors asked for a song for the warriors.  We thought it best to join them together, as we learn from our little ones, the importance of unity and cohesion.  We hope you enjoy the show, the sacred rainbow glow.  It's time to go home, to the song under the radiate sun.

your devoted servants,
Elders White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums
alightfromwithin.org, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

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Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Rainbow Colors Streaming and Sharing the Orb.  
Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings to Let You Know!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rainbow Children, Family Who Are Near, Bow and Praise With Relatives Again

Aho Relatives of the Rainbow,
Here are a few songs for you today.
your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Drums.

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Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings to Let You Know!

The Heart Beat Set Your Self Free

http://white-buffalo-calf-woman-sings.blogspot.com/2011/10/heart-beat-set-your-self-free.html http://www.divshare.com/download/15855820-c2e Aho Relatives, This Sacred Song Blessing was asked by the children (100's of them), who gift to the world. This song is for the world, the Rainbow Clan. We hope you enjoy, the fight for LOVE. We bless with fire and water to bring glorious that what we see. Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star Drum. elder crystal child, iyeska wakan, the walking song and elder lavender child, wicasa wakan, the holy man, the talking drum. Alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Blue road, Heavenly Soul. Red road, help me grow. Yellow road set me free. I'm bowing down, to the heart in the breeze! Jump and Spin Around http://www.divshare.com/download/15874597-902 Paradise Upon This Land http://www.divshare.com/download/16074319-0bf
