Welcome Relatives of the Rainbow

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Sings) your Twin Deer Mother Gifts the ARC/ARK of the Covenant for the Rainbow Clan (you are part of the circle). Ask for your Sacred Song Blessings! Ask for your Four Rainbow Colors, often called the Buffalo Robe or Your Sacred Four Directions. This would be Your Holy Temple which Houses Your Soul! ~Receive Your Great Treasures. ~email: twindeermother@whitebuffalocalfwoman.org

Blue Hoop 4 with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Point to your Heart! Welcome Rainbow Clan

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Twitter Follower Mountain View is Shared!

Josh Burkett has begun a walk down memory lane, Mountain's street (Mountain View), here the View on Castro (downtown main street Mountain View) is quaint. But does a heart seek! There is motion in the stars and let us walk with a heart that shouts. And in time, where all is lent, give away is heaven sent. Do you join to have a heart in thee or to only advertise in me? We all must share to be true, but heaven sent means a heart is true. And where heaven looks down below, Mountain View is quite a show. We leap into the valley below, where orchards, now are gone and sown. Yet, we seek to find what's true, does Silicon have a view. The crystal trail, where all does flow, it's time Josh for us to make it grow. Inside the charm we do hold on, but heaven sent, knows to long. Sow lean on love and join the great give-a-way, then maybe you can find your breeze! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings for you, to share a heart rather than just a view, even if it's Mountain View.

 W. B. Calf Woman 

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings for you, to share a heart rather than just a view, even if it's Mountain View.
 W. B. Calf Woman 

charm we do hold on, but heaven sent, knows to long. Sow lean on love and join the great give-a-way, then maybe you can find your breeze!
 W. B. Calf Woman 

to find what's true, does Silicon have a view. The crystal trail, where all does flow, it's time Josh for us to make it grow. Inside the
 W. B. Calf Woman 

heaven looks down below, Mountain View is quite a show. We leap into the valley below, where orchards, now are gone and sown. Yet, we seek
 W. B. Calf Woman 

join to have a heart in thee or to only advertise in me? We all must share to be true, but heaven sent means a heart is true. And where
 W. B. Calf Woman 

There is motion in the stars and let us walk with a heart that shouts. And in time, where all is lent, give away is heaven sent. Do you
 W. B. Calf Woman 

Josh Burkett has begun a walk down memory lane, Mountain's street (Mountain View), here the View on Castro is quaint. But does a heart seek!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Tweet Tweet, come to greet. Heart is sooner about to blow (express deepest regret). Come to find a world inside, where all is gifting (heaven) instead of knives (earth). "Take" you say, but "Give" I say, to bring us closer to the new devoted ways. Heaven is on it's roots of love and we are going to have a hold in the sky. Embrace my heart and I will embrace yours, then all will return to back to Gold. 

The Heart Beat Set Your Self Free

http://white-buffalo-calf-woman-sings.blogspot.com/2011/10/heart-beat-set-your-self-free.html http://www.divshare.com/download/15855820-c2e Aho Relatives, This Sacred Song Blessing was asked by the children (100's of them), who gift to the world. This song is for the world, the Rainbow Clan. We hope you enjoy, the fight for LOVE. We bless with fire and water to bring glorious that what we see. Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star Drum. elder crystal child, iyeska wakan, the walking song and elder lavender child, wicasa wakan, the holy man, the talking drum. Alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Blue road, Heavenly Soul. Red road, help me grow. Yellow road set me free. I'm bowing down, to the heart in the breeze! Jump and Spin Around http://www.divshare.com/download/15874597-902 Paradise Upon This Land http://www.divshare.com/download/16074319-0bf
