Welcome Relatives of the Rainbow

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Sings) your Twin Deer Mother Gifts the ARC/ARK of the Covenant for the Rainbow Clan (you are part of the circle). Ask for your Sacred Song Blessings! Ask for your Four Rainbow Colors, often called the Buffalo Robe or Your Sacred Four Directions. This would be Your Holy Temple which Houses Your Soul! ~Receive Your Great Treasures. ~email: twindeermother@whitebuffalocalfwoman.org

Blue Hoop 4 with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

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Friday, June 17, 2011

I Sing My Sun Dance For You Child of the Blue Rainbow Children True and Children are Beaming Love Everywhere

Sun Dancing Photo IamaSunDance.Info
Aho Relatives on the Hoops,

Wishing stars come true to you and visions of the blue, where your heart is near, without any fear. And when love does not find you there, the heart that knows the way (true blue, heavenly anew), the soul left in the wind does have to say, "Let the sunshine find your breeze with blessings upon the shore, that open up radiant rainbows". And give a heart a spark, to let it open up to shine within, without any sin. And love will overflow to know the great big show, the sun light winds. And if I could find the way into brilliant beautiful displays, I would find you. Yes it's true. And my heart looks for love to find an open glove that fits true, to be near you. And glory is my heart for we are never apart, for the winds do blow through you. And when we start to act, like shattered open glass, then pieces need to come to the ends, to lean on the winds.  Through it all you say, "it's open radiant days, that flow with love's grace". I know it's what we need, the glory of the seed, the love that you sown. Sow give it up to love and send it like a dove, flying in the winds of time to grow. If I could show you, how wondrous your show, then you could find the sacred true. The lights of distant stars, are not as bright as you are. For I know it's love in my heart. And if I could be with you, I would find a way to climb any mountainscape. And what if you did know it's perfect white snow, the same stone trail we did flow. What we said yesterday, is here to show the way, to find the longing never ends. Wishing stars in the winds, dreams that follow you away from sin, blessings that are true, to carry you through, to know of love's embrace lives near you. My heart is always going to be true. My heart is always going to be blue, relatives of the true blue (heavenly blue road), my heart knows I love you. Now I await time, for this distant chime, to sing my soul's love, the lost, I have found, to bring us back to loud, the story that shouts. Dance with me. Dance with me. Dance with me, for the Sun Dance will eliminate all disease.

your devoted servant,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter
alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

"I Sing My Sun Dance For You Child of the Blue Rainbow Children True"
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"Children are Beaming Love Everywhere"

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Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Sun Dancing  IamaSunDance.Info 
I am perfect and I radiate. I trust my soul, eternal wisdom always knows, the bridge into tomorrow, and bridge to yesterday. And I find myself, learning of extraordinary ways. I am perfect and I radiate. 

The Heart Beat Set Your Self Free

http://white-buffalo-calf-woman-sings.blogspot.com/2011/10/heart-beat-set-your-self-free.html http://www.divshare.com/download/15855820-c2e Aho Relatives, This Sacred Song Blessing was asked by the children (100's of them), who gift to the world. This song is for the world, the Rainbow Clan. We hope you enjoy, the fight for LOVE. We bless with fire and water to bring glorious that what we see. Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star Drum. elder crystal child, iyeska wakan, the walking song and elder lavender child, wicasa wakan, the holy man, the talking drum. Alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Blue road, Heavenly Soul. Red road, help me grow. Yellow road set me free. I'm bowing down, to the heart in the breeze! Jump and Spin Around http://www.divshare.com/download/15874597-902 Paradise Upon This Land http://www.divshare.com/download/16074319-0bf
