Welcome Relatives of the Rainbow

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Sings) your Twin Deer Mother Gifts the ARC/ARK of the Covenant for the Rainbow Clan (you are part of the circle). Ask for your Sacred Song Blessings! Ask for your Four Rainbow Colors, often called the Buffalo Robe or Your Sacred Four Directions. This would be Your Holy Temple which Houses Your Soul! ~Receive Your Great Treasures. ~email: twindeermother@whitebuffalocalfwoman.org

Blue Hoop 4 with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Point to your Heart! Welcome Rainbow Clan

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

I Am Sow Happy and Crystalline Children

Relatives on the Hoops, 
Sharing today, to bring happiness your way. To show you how grand you are, the soul within you that hides, within your rainbow lights, the greatest journey you are to dream, for everything you bring. You are Greatness to me, perfectly.

This Sacred Song Blessing, "I am Sow Happy" was requested by the crystal child, "Golden Stream our Deep Dark Bleu" and the rainbow child, "Sacred Glove our Running Dancing Cloud". 

I wasn't too happy today, hearing about so many using my name, White Buffalo Calf Woman, to promote themselves or their projects, all for sales, not sails (spiritual freedom). Shifting to be love is not always easy when we are sad, but children always have a way that picks us up again to smile. We are happy to know eternal love grows forever in our children.

Sacred Dew our Aiming Deer, our green child and Running River our Gleaming Rivers, our blue child, send clapping and waving to your heart. Joy overflows, from the eternal spring of love that blossoms from these twin girl. Less than six months old, both of these children know how to create waves. They move their little bodies like waves, with such laughter up and down their arms move about, always making sure, to make a shout in glee and happy company. They love our daily Prayer Songs, we share with the world. We hope you do too.

For the children we sing for greatness they do bring. We bless the sacred nine directions with fire and water for you, my relatives of the rainbow, where the red (road) cross the blue (road) and yellow (road) dreams come true. White road show me how to shine, like stars in the night, and days bring me home to relatives who need me beam.  We are the circle of life, the devoted who bow to heaven twice, echoing all we advise, for law of love always repeats wise.

your devoted servants,
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child
Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand
elder lavender child
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

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Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan) has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Field of Dreams Valley of Blossoming Flowers and I Will Bee True Blue

Aho Relatives on the Hoops,
Welcome into our hearts today.  We love you!  Just wanted to send a note out that we are sending you love today and everyday on the hoops. There has been an upsurge of awakening around the world and we are singing daily. I just don't have the time to upload the many songs we sing each day. 

We will be with you as soon as we can. Our hearts are always with you. 

your devoted servants, 
White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother
elder crystal child, Lakota Daughter, House of the Beloved Sun
Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand
elder lavender child, Dakota Sun, House of the Beloved Daughter
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Ps. The drum is really deep resonating.  If you have trouble with your heart, turn your base down.

Field of Dreams Valley of Blossoming Flowers

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I Will Be True Blue
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Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Where is your heart if not with you?  How do you collide without a view? (looking out for paradise and belief in dreams) One must bow over to see the world, because it's the wave of the rainbow sleuth (detective and seeker).  I have to be with all you know, because it's the wind of the sacred snow (crystalline stone river). And my heart sails away with you, in order I can shine with you too. I am the billows in the clouds, where heaven sent us all out loud, to sing the songs of heavenly, upon this world, who really need thee to be a shroud (embrace of safe, prayers alleviate). And as we sing to higher ground, we remember, we must go back down, to where the valleys and shores do need, the hand of love and divinity.

The Heart Beat Set Your Self Free

http://white-buffalo-calf-woman-sings.blogspot.com/2011/10/heart-beat-set-your-self-free.html http://www.divshare.com/download/15855820-c2e Aho Relatives, This Sacred Song Blessing was asked by the children (100's of them), who gift to the world. This song is for the world, the Rainbow Clan. We hope you enjoy, the fight for LOVE. We bless with fire and water to bring glorious that what we see. Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star Drum. elder crystal child, iyeska wakan, the walking song and elder lavender child, wicasa wakan, the holy man, the talking drum. Alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Blue road, Heavenly Soul. Red road, help me grow. Yellow road set me free. I'm bowing down, to the heart in the breeze! Jump and Spin Around http://www.divshare.com/download/15874597-902 Paradise Upon This Land http://www.divshare.com/download/16074319-0bf
