Welcome Relatives of the Rainbow

White Buffalo Calf Woman (Sings) your Twin Deer Mother Gifts the ARC/ARK of the Covenant for the Rainbow Clan (you are part of the circle). Ask for your Sacred Song Blessings! Ask for your Four Rainbow Colors, often called the Buffalo Robe or Your Sacred Four Directions. This would be Your Holy Temple which Houses Your Soul! ~Receive Your Great Treasures. ~email: twindeermother@whitebuffalocalfwoman.org

Blue Hoop 4 with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Point to your Heart! Welcome Rainbow Clan

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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Little Crow Who Speaks To Thunderbird, "It is Time to Bow"

Aho Relatives on the Hoops,
Today, I spoke with Little Crow Who Speaks to Thunderbird (Flowing Drums that Deliver Sound) on the telephone and he spoke of his most magical experience.  I hope I got it right. 

He said, "I had an experience that was pretty amazing.  I was singing with horses (soul is running) of 100's nations. The echo was amazing. I could feel all of our ancestors and knowledge poured into me.  While I was under the Milky Way, I found that if I believed (had faith), then I let go (receiving divine, all that shines). I realized all knowledge is there, one just has to ask. I receive five golden eagle feathers.  I shared it as medicine with those who needed it. My girlfriend Melody, kept being one with Bear (star of heaven that returns back to the community). All the animals were singing with the drum (when we were drumming in nature). Colors are the Rainbow in/is everything. Hoops draw everything together. I wanted to share."

Little Crow Who Speaks To Thunderbird, "It is Time to Bow", 

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Yellow, blue, rainbow, gray speaks today!

He had one more vision he shared.  A spiritual being spoke to him and called him by name, then a long line of coyote of the south, on and on describing all relatives in the ground, near and far, went on very long time, naming all, finally the air and the birds went crazy and then the winds picked up. Because he had reports from other relatives, birds were hitting the glass, not seaing clearly. They just wanted to be united, as relatives you sea.  I had to remind him, he was the dreamer, the yellow child. That what we dream, becomes the reality of it all.  And to share the Handout, "holy week day" downloadable at birthingofhope.blogspot.com with relatives, who can find it's path to unity.

This is a song I sang a few days ago, about the Milky Way and did not have time to share, but now it's appropriate to the near.  We were singing our hearts together on that day, under the Milky Way. Aho relatives, we flow, down the river and unto the Rainbow.

your devoted servants,
White Buffalo Calf Woman sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star drums
alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

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White Buffalo Calf Woman (Ptse San Wi Yan) has come home to your hearts. It's time to walk the evolution's path. We all are part of the Rainbow Clan, my relatives each and everyone. Receive the treasures that your iyes(h)ka (interpreter) gifts to you, the sacred song blessings, that always are true (soul and voice of the song). And inside of you, the soul that comes alive, the prayers that live, and shout, "I am and I thrive!"

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow! White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings to Let You Know!

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: Heavenly Measure

White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings Heavenly Measure

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Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

The Heart Beat Set Your Self Free

http://white-buffalo-calf-woman-sings.blogspot.com/2011/10/heart-beat-set-your-self-free.html http://www.divshare.com/download/15855820-c2e Aho Relatives, This Sacred Song Blessing was asked by the children (100's of them), who gift to the world. This song is for the world, the Rainbow Clan. We hope you enjoy, the fight for LOVE. We bless with fire and water to bring glorious that what we see. Your devoted servants, White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star Drum. elder crystal child, iyeska wakan, the walking song and elder lavender child, wicasa wakan, the holy man, the talking drum. Alightfromwithin.org Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy. Blue road, Heavenly Soul. Red road, help me grow. Yellow road set me free. I'm bowing down, to the heart in the breeze! Jump and Spin Around http://www.divshare.com/download/15874597-902 Paradise Upon This Land http://www.divshare.com/download/16074319-0bf
