Dreams to take us by the hands, let us understand, the gifting to the upper hands (reaching for heaven). Become hardened to the place (have not forgiven) of the gifts (bounty of all) the place we don't hurt anyone (paradise we dream). Take a plan to live to gift the upper hand (rise up, serve others) to those who need to understand, the love of laughter for all to gain. It's what we are going to please the gaining surprise (looking forwards towards), the gifting in all we surprise, the gifting to even our demise (till we die, love rules our lives). Gaining hope in a wounded land (forgiveness needed, without blame and shame), the place we long to understand (growing up as mankind, evolution presides), to gift our faith instead of shame (how can we blame?).
Can we live to gain on the other shore (together), the place of gaining what we adore, the place of heaven inside that stirs (our hearts aware). I know it's places going to be free (dreams destiny), would understand what we need (ponder on tomorrow), but longing of "show us" how we need to grieve (learning to suffer experiences, tears of heaven). The longing of what we need the sow koh (love flies - dreams speak), take the wonder pan (dream far and wide), to seek the magic underhand, where gold is buried near (panning for gold on the riverbed for the prize, jewel of delight). Come and lift our heart to be kind, to live inside of (truth, your soul's mission) instead of lies (deceit upon your heart). There is a time to believe (have faith) the hands of what we need (the embrace of time) can we share our hearts, be near and not apart (together again). WE are divided to help and heal and understand, to hold onto the shores of the man (to each other), where light is going to shine inside the bind (connected to the web of life). And where the darkness swims (waters of heaven), our souls are in the wind, where we are angels who sing to bring in love to everything. Where there is a place we need to be, we are worth loving underneath (inside our hearts where there is buried gold, the great treasure to surrender to, serves true).
The soul longs to feel the waking hands the embrace of love that tastes of the under hand (reaching into thine heart, true and real inside dreams), to embrace you, to hold the taste of you, to know the smell of you like flowers everywhere. I long to be on this hill to hold you near my soul (true blue heavenly news). I long to fill the world with love you gift my hide (sprung wide open from within shines bright), the rainbow colors which lie hidden inside.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings

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